Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)
Conference Paper

Embryo metabolism: what does it really mean?

N. Lewis, R.G. Sturmey

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The study of early embryo metabolism has fascinated researchers in the field for nearly a century. Herein, we give a brief account of the general features of embryo metabolism and some consideration of the research performed to reach such conclusions. It is becoming increasingly obvious that metabolism informs many fate decisions and outcomes beyond ATP generation, such as DNA methylation, Reactive Oxygen Species generation and cell signaling. We discuss the reasons for studying metabolism in the face of our current knowledge of the effect that the culture environment on the developing embryo and the downstream effects that can cause. The study of in vitro embryo metabolism can also give us insight into developmental perturbations in vivo. The strengths and limitations of the methods we use to study metabolism are reviewed with reference to species-specific fundamental biology and plasticity and we discuss what the future holds for metabolic studies and the unanswered questions that remain


ATP generation, method evaluation, preimplantation development
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