Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)
Conference Paper

Approaches to increase reproductive efficiency in artificially inseminated dairy cows

F. López-Gatius

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Infertility has been linked to numerous factors in high producing dairy cattle in the last decades. The detection of estrus continues to present difficulties and, although progress has been made in regards to estrus synchronization and artificial insemination, the reproductive performance of dairy cows has not improved substantially. Moreover, in warm countries, summer heat stress is a major factor impairing fertility. This presentation expresses our views on factors of a non-infectious nature that affect the fertility of lactating dairy cows following AI. Special attention is paid to factors related to the cow and its environment and to some approaches to increase reproductive efficiency such as confirmation of estrus at insemination and the insemination procedure.


bovine, cornual insemination, estrus, fertility, management, season
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