Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)
Conference Paper

Equine assisted reproduction and embryo technologies

C. Galli, S. Colleoni, R. Duchi, I. Lagutina, G. Lazzari

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Assisted reproductive techniques in the horse have been only recently become available compared to other domestic species, in particular ruminants. The scarce availability of abattoir ovaries and the lack of interest from horse breeders and breed associations, and the anatomical and physiological differences have been the main reasons for this delay. Progressively though, the technology of oocyte maturation in vitro has been established especially after the application of ICSI to obtain in vitro fertilization. The parallel improvement of oocyte maturation conditions and embryo culture media has increased the rates of embryo development from in vitro matured and in vitro cultured ICSI embryos from 5-10% in the early studies to up to 26% in the latest under experimental conditions with abattoir derived oocytes. In 2003, the birth of the first cloned foal established the technology of somatic cell nuclear transfer. The largest set of data on non-surgical embryo transfer of in vitro produced embryos, from ICSI of in vitro-matured Ovum Pick Up (OPU) oocytes, and from somatic cell nuclear transfer, has been obtained in our laboratory. In the clinical context, where OPU and ICSI are applied for the treatment of female and or male infertility, the yield of embryos has been lower compared to experimental conditions. In conclusion, the basic procedures have been established for the use of assisted reproduction and somatic cell nuclear transfer to a degree suitable for clinical applications and the results have been replicated in several laboratories around the world


cryopreservation, embryo culture, ICSI, oocyte maturation, sexing, somatic cell nuclear transfer
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