Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)
Conference Paper

Novel bovine embryo transfer technologies in the United States

C.R. Looney, J.H. Pryor

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In the United States, the continued promotion of quality genetics in cattle necessitates the emergence of novel technologies. One such promising technology is the utilization of genetic testing to aid in improving herd selection for a variety of traits included but not limited to milk production, fertility and disease prone animals. Additionally, these genetic markers have identified many chromosome regions containing important genes that code for financially viable traits. Therefore the ability to test animals prior to investing would financially benefit both the industry and consumer. To further promote these genetics, a relatively new procedure for superovulation using a slow release formula (SRF; hyaluronan-based solution) for Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) injections has shown to be as effective in comparison to traditional methods. The SRF protocol allows for 75% less handling thus lowering stress levels for both practitioner and donor animal. The application and benefits of recombinant technology in the use of superovulatory regimes, embryo production, semen processing in addition to vitrification will play an instrumental role in the future of cattle embryo transfer


cattle, embryos, hyaluronan, recombinant DNA, vitrification
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