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Age-related changes in scrotal circumference and some semen characteristics in Awassi rams

M.J. Tabbaa, R.T. Kridli, A. Al-Ghalban, F.S. Barakeh

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This study was conducted to evaluate monthly changes in scrotal circumference and some semen characteristics of Awassi rams. A total of 10 Awassi rams (5 matures and 5 yearlings) were used in this study. Mature rams were 2 to 6 years old, and yearling rams were 12 to 18 months old at the beginning of the study. Body weights (BW), body condition scores (BCS), scrotal circumferences (SC), and semen characteristics were recorded monthly for all rams. Body weights and SC were affected by ram age (P < 0.05) and month of collection (P < 0.01) while BCS were influenced by month of collection alone (P < 0.01). Mature rams were heavier and had greater SC than yearlings. Greater BW, BCS, SC, and a lower percentage of abnormal spermatozoa were recorded during the late summer and early autumn months in both groups of rams. Other semen characteristics were not influenced by ram age or by the month of collection. In conclusion, BW, BCS, and SC were influenced by sampling month while semen characteristics hardly showed any monthly variations, thus indicating that Awassi rams can be used for breeding or semen collection year round.


age, Awassi, ram, semen, scrotal circumference, season
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