Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

From the SBTE President

José Nelio de Sousa Sales

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 Dear friends of the Brazilian Society of Embryo Technology,

I am honored to be the president of the current SBTE board. After some difficult years (we are still in a delicate moment), we can meet again at our traditional Annual Meeting. In the last year, we had the opportunity to meet friends and experience what is most important to our Society: human warmth and friendship. This year’s event will have the traditional program with workshops and plenary sessions, presenting lectures in basic and applied areas. As a novelty, two poster sessions will be held for greater participation of everyone in this very important activity of our meeting. Hence, all participants will be able to present their work and interact with other exhibitors. Another novelty at our event this year is a discussion with renowned researchers from Latin America presenting controversial topics about TAI in cattle. This event will be called the “The Great Meeting of the TAI”.

Our meeting will take place in Campinas-SP, initially with workshops (Open gate: beef and dairy cattle, In vitro embryo production: from basic to applied research, Male reproduction and Small ruminants), and then plenary sessions with presentations regarding reproduction in sustainable production, the role of artificial intelligence in animal production and reproduction, the use of new recombinant proteins for ovarian stimulation in ruminants, prohibition of hormones in animal reproduction, potential benefits of microfluidics and micro/nanosystems engineering in animal reproduction, embryonic genomic selection for genetic improvement, and effects of paternal nutrition on fetal programming.

Our Board of Directors is very motivated for this year’s event, mainly due to the major changes that aim to rescue a greater number of field and laboratory professionals and, therefore, to promote more in-depth discussions applied to the reality of our animal reproduction. This event is proposed to be a milestone at SBTE, aiming at a healthy interaction between researchers and field technicians, who are responsible for the scientific development of animal reproduction. Finally, I would like to thank everyone involved in the organization of our meeting, in particular the current board, the companies from our SBTE community, the research funding institutions (CNPq, CAPES, and FAPESP), all the national and international speakers and, above all, to all members of our society and participants.

José Nelio de Sousa Sales

SBTE President


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