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Rescue of caprine fetal ovaries, vitrification and follicular development after xenotransplantation in two immunodeficient mice models

Muriel Magda Lustosa Pimentel; Fernanda Araujo dos Santos; Luã Barbalho de Macêdo; Parmênedes Dias de Brito; Gabriela Liberalino Lima; Raimundo Alves Barreto Junior; Marcelo Barbosa Bezerra

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Abstract: Domestic and wild goats are very susceptible animals to predation, specially when pregnancy occurs. This study aimed to evaluate the use of goat fetal ovarian tissue for vitrification followed by xenotransplantation and fresh xenotransplantation in two immunosuppressed mice models (C57BL/6 SCID and Balb-C NUDE). Goat fetus ovaries were collected in slaughterhouses, divided into small cortical pieces and were destined for fresh xenotransplantation (FX) and cryopreservation followed by xenotransplantation (CX). Five recipients from each lineage were used for FX and 10 animals from each lineage for CX. The mice were euthanized after 65 postoperative days, and the transplants were collected for microscopic assessment. The blood plasma was collected for estradiol measurement. Independently of mice strain, all recipients presented complete estrus cycle in FX and 80% after CX groups. Follicles were observed at all development stages without morphological changes. The volume density and total vessel surface observed in the transplants were different (p <0.01) between groups. The estradiol levels in the recipients did not differ (p <0.05) among the treatments. Thus, it is possible to activate the preantral follicles in the ovaries of fetuses by optimizing germplasm utilization and conservation of domestic and endangered wild goats that are in predatory situations, undesirable drowning or accidental death, since provided conditions for xenotransplantation are performed.


cryopreservation, assisted reproductive technology, livestock


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