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Morphology of male and female reproductive tract of the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis)

Luciana Cristina Machado; Jéssica Rodrigues Orlandin; Rafael Garcia Karam; Felipe Augusto Rós; Daniele dos Santos Martins; Gerlane de Medeiros Costa; Carlos Eduardo Ambrósio

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Abstract: The Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) is the largest species of this genus, despite having broad distribution in the Americas; it is included in the main list of endangered species. Their conservation is widely studied, but there is a lack of studies about their morphology. In order to contribute to the knowledge of its reproductive system, five male and female ocelots were examined macro- and microscopically by histological techniques. Macroscopic analysis of the male reproductive system revealed presence of prostate and bulbourethral gland located caudally to the urinary bladder and a penis with small spicules. Microscopically, the testes were encased by the tunica albuginea and divided it into lobules with 5-10 tubules per lobe. In females, macroscopic analysis demonstrated two ovaries position dorsally in the sublumbar region and caudal to the kidneys. The bicornuate uterus is composed by uterine horns (12 to 14 cm in length), which travels from the ovaries in a caudal direction to form a small uterine body (4 cm in length). The ovary analysis revealed, in longitudinal section, medullary region composed of loose connective tissue, a stroma rich in blood vessels, and an external parenchymal region surrounded by a tunica albuginea. The results of the study confirmed the similarity between ocelot's reproductive system as domestic cat's ones and showing for the first time the complete morphological tool to highlight these organs and tissue in this male and female endangered wild felid specie. The present study open venue for other researchers to consider morphological and preservationist features and aimed to help at long-term conservation of wild felines.


morphology, histology, reproductive system, wild felines


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