Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

The ovarian and uterine responses of Baixadeiro mares to prostaglandin synchronization during the dry and rainy seasons

Luciana Cordeiro Rosa; Eliane Cristina Silva Dias; Renatta Silva Melo; Carla Janaína Rebouças Marques do Rosário; Felipe Lucas Correa Pereira; Luiz Bruno Oliveira Chung; Adriana Raquel de Almeida da Anunciação; Felipe de Jesus Moraes Junior; Fernando Andrade Souza; Ricardo de Macêdo Chaves

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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of synchronization with prostaglandin F2α in Baixadeiro mares during the rainy and dry seasons. Fourteen mares were synchronized by administering two doses of 1 mL prostaglandin PGF 2α and monitored by rectal palpation and ultrasound for the assessment of follicular development and uterine echotexture. Of this total, nine mares allowed the collection of blood, in which the blood was collected by venipuncture of the jugular vein to determine progesterone (P4) by ELISA. Mares showed no differences (P > 0.05) in weight, body score condition (BSC), tone, uterine edema, frequency of ovulation, synchronization interval, estrus, and the total number of follicles between periods. However, there was a difference in large increased follicle diameter (P < 0.05) during the dry season. The average concentrations of P4 in mares differed (P < 0.05) between the pre- and post-ovulatory phases for both seasons and after ovulation, with higher concentrations in the rainy season. Furthermore, statistical differences in daily light (P < 0.05) were observed between the dry and rainy periods. Thus, we conclude that mares from the genetic grouping Baixadeiro showed no reproductive seasonality, though there was a difference in luminosity between the rainy and dry seasons. The treatment with two doses of PGF 2α was effective in synchronizing the mares, promoting the return of estrus in the dry and rainy periods. The mares remaining cyclically active throughout the year provided there were appropriate forage availability and quality levels to allow for normal values of body weight and condition.


estrus, follicular development, Baixadeiro mares


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