Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Investigating a method for pharmacologic semen collection in alpacas

Anna McAllister; Bernadette Stang; Michelle Anne Kutzler

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  While semen evaluation is standard practice prior to a sale or when infertility is suspected in other species, it is rarely done in camelids due to the difficulties involved in collecting a sample. The reproductive physiology of alpacas differs to that of other domestic animals and is still poorly understood. In the stallion, a technique was developed for semen collection that pharmacologically induces ejaculation without copulation (ex copula). This study investigates whether semen could be reliably collected by ex copula ejaculation in male alpacas. Eleven male Huacaya alpacas were used in this study, and six ex copula treatment protocols were evaluated: (1) saline (control); (2) xylazine only (0.1 mg/kg); (3) xylazine only (0.2 mg/kg); (4) imipramine only (1.0 mg/kg); (5) imipramine (1.0 mg/kg) followed 10 minutes later with xylazine (0.1 mg/kg); and (6) imipramine (2.0 mg/kg) followed 10 minutes later with xylazine (0.1 mg/kg). Each treatment protocol was repeated two to five times. Azoospermic samples obtained from ex copula ejaculation contained numerous epithelial cells but no sperm. A reliable treatment for pharmacologically inducing ejaculation in alpacas remains to be found.


camelid, ejaculation, imipramine, sperm, xylazine


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