Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Body measurements correlation and x-ray imaging of three Hystrix javanica fetuses in different fetal development stages

Yosua Kristian Adi; Surya Agus Prihatno; Irma Padeta; Teguh Budipitojo

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Hystrix javanica is endemic species in Indonesia. Study about fetal development of Hystrix javanica are very rare because of sample limitation. This study was carried out to describe the morphometrics and x-ray analysis of three fetuses in different stage to give basic information about fetal development of Hystrix javanica. Three fetus samples fixed in Bouin’s solution was used in this study. Observation was carried out to identify the characteristic of three fetus samples. This included the pattern of hair, body measurements, body volume, and body weight. X-ray analysis was carried out to know the ossification process in the fetal development. Statistical analysis was carried out using Microsoft 365® Excel program software. Three fetus samples had different specific hair pattern, that was hairless, smooth hairs, and smooth hairs with dense-non dense pattern. Body volume of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fetus were 23mL, 90mL, and 170mL, respectively. Body weight of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fetus were 19.5g, 79.22g, and 153.18g, respectively. Pearson’s correlation analysis shown strong relationship between total body length, front body length, back body length, horizontal body diameter, vertical body diameter, head length, and head diameter against body volume and body weight of three fetuses. Significant positive correlation was shown between horizontal body diameter, vertical body diameter, and head diameter against body volume and body length with P value < 0.05. Faint radiopaque images showed in the 2nd fetus sample and strong radiopaque images showed in the 3rd fetus sample. Radiopaque images were identified in the teeth, cranium, vertebrae, and extremities bones. In this study we concluded that there was a specific hair pattern in different fetal stage. All body measurements have positive correlation with body volume and body weight and x-ray analysis shown that the ossification of the bone was started to happen while the smooth hair was growth.


linear regression, measurements, morphology, radiography, sunda porcupine fetus


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