Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Influence of eCG and reproductive management in the resynchronization of ovulation in dairy goats

Isabel Oliveira Cosentino; Mário Felipe Alvares Balaro; Polyanne Martins da Silva; Augusto Ryonosuke Taira; Juliana Dantas Rodrigues Santos; Ana Clara Sarzedas Ribeiro; Bruna Ramalho Rigaud de Figueiredo; Marta Maria Campos Pereira da Costa; Bruno Ribeiro Vieira; Felipe Zandonadi Brandão

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Resynchronization protocols have been proposed as a way of shortening females’ unproductive time in the flock, with good results in cattle and sheep. In goats, initial studies have shown that a second progestogen device inserted before luteolysis and pregnancy diagnosis does not interfere with the corpus luteum lifespan or functionality. This study aimed to evaluate the follicular growth, ovulation pattern and pregnancy rate after insertion of a second and new progestogen device for resynchronizing, with or without equine Chorionic Gonadotrophin (eCG), submitted to natural mating (NM) or artificial insemination (AI) to propose a viable resynchronization protocol for dairy goats. A total of 38 multiparous Saanen goats underwent a short-term progesterone protocol [six days exposed to medroxyprogesterone acetate (MAP) intravaginal sponges + 200 IU eCG and 0.12 mg of cloprostenol sodium on the 5th day + 0.025 mg of lecirelin 34 hours after sponge withdrawal] and, on day 16th after the ovulation, received a new MAP device which was retained until day 21. At this moment females were split into four groups: GeCG+NM – 100 IU eCG with NM; GSal+NM – saline solution with NM; GeCG+AI – 100 IU eCG with AI; and GSal+AI – saline solution with AI. Ultrasound scans were performed every 12 h from sponge withdrawal (day 21) until 108 h after sponge withdrawal (day 25) for follicular dynamics evaluation, at 240 h (day 31) for assessing the presence of active corpus luteum, and on day 60 for pregnancy diagnosis. No differences were found regarding ovulation time, synchronization and follicle size. However, GeCG+NM presented a greater estrus manifestation rate (100%) and pregnancy rate (62.5%) when compared to GSal+AI. In conclusion, resynchronization protocols in dairy goats may present satisfactory results.


follicle dynamics, ultrasound, artificial insemination, natural mating


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