Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Assessment of coconut water added to Numida meleagris egg yolk as cryoprotectant for goat semen

Laércio Fontinele Bandeira de Macêdo; Letícia Soares de Araújo Texeira; Clarissa de Castro e Braga; Kenney de Paiva Porfírio; Sara Camila da Silveira Costa; Louis Henrique Miyauchi Silva; Wcleuden Matias Nascimento; Francisca Kelly dos Santos Silva; Nildene Silva Andrade Bandeira; Rômulo José Vieira; Ana Lys Bezerra Barradas Mineiro; Cristiane Clemente de Mello Salgueiro; José Ferreira Nunes; Janaina de Fátima Saraiva Cardoso; Ney Rômulo de Oliveira Paula

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Effects were assessed of the dilutants TRIS and ACP - 101c® with the addition of different guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) egg yolk concentrations. Fifteen ejaculates were collected from five goats of the Anglo Nubian breed. The ejaculates were pooled and then divided into 12 groups, two control groups (GC1 TRIS, with 2.5% Gallus gallus domesticus hen egg yolk GOGD), (GC2 Control Group ACP - 101c®, with the addition of 2.5% Gallus gallus domesticus hen egg yolk GOGD) and ten experimental groups (EG), containing TRIS and ACP added with different concentrations of egg yolk from guinea hen (Numida meleagris) (TRIS 2,5% GONM; TRIS 5% GONM; TRIS 10% GONM; TRIS 15% GONM; TRIS 20% GONM; ACP® 2,5% GONM; ACP® 5% GONM; ACP® 10% GONM; ACP® 15% GONM; ACP® 20% GONM). Then cryopreservation was carried out and the samples stored in liquid nitrogen (-196 °C). After seven days, the samples were thawed and assessed for spermatic kinetics, immunofluorescence and sperm morphology. Analysis of GOMN by the CASA system showed that the various parameters were similar to those of GOGD (P>0.05). The membrane integrity, mitochondrial potential and the acrosome were not influenced by the treatment (P>0.05) nor by the dilutant used for cryopreservation (P>0.05). The spermatic morphology was also preserved by the different GOGD and GONM concentrations in the ACP® and TRIS dilutants, with no statistically significant differences (P<0.05). It was concluded that Numida meleagris egg yolk, as external membrane cryoproctant added to the dilutants ACP-101c® and TRIS, improved goat semen quality.


goat, semen, cryoprotectant, egg yolk


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