Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Intertubular morphometric and ultrastructural testes analyses in mdx mice

Janine Karla França da Silva Braz; Vilessa Araújo Gomes; Verônica Andrade Siman; Sérgio Luís Pinto da Matta; Naianne Kelly Clebis; Moacir Franco de Oliveira; Antônio Chaves Assis Neto; Danielle Barbosa Morais; Carlos Eduardo Bezerra de Moura

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Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) reproductive alterations and the influence of antioxidant treatments may aid in understanding morphometry testicular quantification. In this context, the aim of the present study was to characterize the intertubular compartment (ITC) morphometry of animal testes in mdx mice supplemented with ascorbic acid (AA). Sixteen mice were used, namely the C57BL/10 (non-dystrophic) and C57BL/10Mdx (dystrophic) lineages, distributed into the following groups: Control (C60), Dystrophic (D60), Control supplemented with AA (CS60), Dystrophic supplemented with AA (DS60). A total of 200 mg/kg of AA were administered to mice for 30 days. Subsequently, the testicles were collected, weighed, and fragmented. The obtained fragments were fixed in Karnovsky's solution (pH 7.2) and embedded in historesin for morphometric and transmission electron microscopy assessments. Leydig cells were hypertrophic in the D60 group, but was reverted by AA supplementation in the DS60 group. The DS60 group also exhibited increased intertubular volume compared to the CS60 group. The ultrastructural images identified multilamellar bodies in dystrophic animals (lipid storage) and telocyte cells (transport substances) in both control and dystrophic animals. Morphometric alterations were, therefore, noted in the intertubular compartment due to Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), with AA administration capable of altering Leydig cells in this condition.


seminiferous tubules, telocyte, testicles, myopathies, leydig cells


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