Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Effect of different concentrations of Trolox® in association with docosahexaenoic acid on equine semen freezing

Cristiane Silva Aguiar; Celso Henrique Souza Costa Barros; William Morais Machado; Ivan Bezerra Allaman; Antônio de Oliveira Leite Filho; Larissa Pires Barbosa; Paola Pereira das Neves Snoeck

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of different concentrations of Trolox® and the addition of a fixed concentration of DHA in the freezing of semen of Mangalarga Marchador stallions. To that end, 16 ejaculates were frozen in the following extenders: E1) BotuCrio® (BC; Control); E2) BC + 50 ngml-1 DHA + 30 µM Trolox® (BCDHA30T); E3) BC + 50 ngml-1 DHA + 40 µM Trolox® (BCDHA40T); E4) BC + 50 ngml-1 DHA + 50 µM Trolox® (BCDHA50T). All the tested extenders were similar in preserving different kinematic parameters, cell functional integrity, compacted DNA, and high and intermediate mitochondrial activity (P>0.05). However, sperm cryopreserved in BCDHA40T showed higher velocities than sperm frozen in the control extender (P<0.05). The 30 µM concentration of Trolox® was worse for sperm motility and the 50 µM concentration of Trolox® did not adequately preserve the structural integrity of the membranes in an extender containing DHA when compared to the BotuCrio® (P<0.05) extender. The use of Trolox® in freezing extenders containing DHA did not maximize the effect of BotuCrio®, except for in the case of sperm velocity parameters when at a concentration of 40 µM.


antioxidant, fatty acids, lipid peroxidation, cryopreservation, stallion


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