Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Surgical sterilization of free-ranging capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris): “Passos Nunes” uterine horn ligature

Fernanda Battistella Passos-Nunes; Fabiana Morse Gosson Jorge; Mariana Passos Nunes; Alexandre Zanetti Nunes; Pedro Nacib Jorge-Neto; Antonio Chaves de Assis Neto; Marcelo Bahia Labruna; Cristiane Schilbach Pizzutto

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Capybaras are the primary hosts of Amblyomma sculptum tick, vectors of Rickettsia rickettsia bacteria, and the zoonotic agent of Brazilian Spotted Fever (BSF). In this context, contraceptive methods have been suggested for population control in order to reduce the number of free-ranging capybaras cohabiting with humans in urban and rural areas and acting as disease amplifiers. To maintain the group's expected behavior and social hierarchy, sterilization techniques that preserve the gonads are recommended. On 126 female capybaras in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, a new surgical technique named “Passos Nunes” uterine horn ligature was performed after adequate general anesthesia. It achieved effective surgical sterilization, with an incision length of about 3 cm in the periumbilical linea alba, cranial to the pubis. After entering the abdominal cavity, the urinary bladder is pulled laterally to access the uterine horns and the cervix. The uterine horn is folded up, forming a strap; the distal portion of the strap is ligated and its distal end sectioned. The exact process is performed on the opposite horn. After the surgical procedure, the musculature is sutured in a sultan pattern and the subcutaneous tissue with a horizontal mattress pattern. The skin is sutured in a separate simple format, using nylon 2.0 for all steps. The wide exposure of the uterine horns facilitates the confirmation of pregnancy, allowing the surgeon to choose between salpingo hysterectomy or ligature of the uterine horns. The present study presents a new technique of surgical sterilization that can be used in female free-ranging mammals in which maintenance of the gonads is recommended, and births of offspring should not occur.


spotted fever, surgical sterilization, reproductive management


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