Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Evaluation of the effects of hesperidin on fresh and frozen-thawed semen quality using two different cryopreservation methods in Simmental bull

Hamid Tahmasbian; Esmail Ayen; Amir Khaki

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In the industry of bull semen freezing centers, one-step and two-step semen dilution protocols are two standard and well-known methods in semen freezing process. As the freezing/thawing processes cause detrimental effects on sperm function, the addition of antioxidants can improve sperm characteristics. Hesperidin (Hesp) is an antioxidant used as the male reproductive protective agent. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate two different dilution methods, as well as to evaluate Hesp supplementation influence on sperm characteristics in fresh and frozen thawed semen. Semen samples were collected from 12 Simmental bulls. Two separate examinations were conducted in, with and without Hesp supplementation groups. Statistical analysis was performed by an independent t-test, Mann Whitny test, MANOVA and ANOVA tests. In comparison to the one and two-step dilution protocols without Hesp supplementation, the two-step dilution showed greater cryoprotective potential. In the Hesp supplemented group, each semen sample was divided into six equal parts for experimental groups (dilution step method/µM of Hesp). In the both one and two step dilution protocols, significant improvements were detected in semen motility parameters by Hesp administration. Also, oxidative stress status was reduced in seminal plasma of Hesp treatment groups. Interestingly, in comparison with Hesp dosage, 1µM was shown to have greater semen cryoprotective potential. In conclusion,


hesperidin, semen freezing method, sperm characteristics, Simmental


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