Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Relationship between Na/K-ATPase in thawed sperm and fertility of Angus bulls

Juliana Carla Cavalcanti Marques; Allan Rodolf Ribeiro Cezar; Agnelo Douglas do Nascimento Júnior; Juliane Pereira da Silva; André Mariano Batista; Maria Madalena Pessoa Guerra; Diogo Ribeiro Câmara

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Since bull fertility prediction remains challenging, the identification of potential fertility markers is important considering the economic benefits to the livestock industry. The main goal of this study was to determine the Na/K-ATPase activity and expression in thawed sperm of high (HF)- and low-fertility (LF) Angus bulls. Samples from three different batches/bulls with HF (n = 4) and LF (n = 4) were used. The Na/K-ATPase activity was determined after thawing, whereas sperm kinematics, membrane integrity, and expression of Na/K-ATPase on sperm surface were evaluated immediately post-thaw and after 120 minutes of incubation. Within the same incubation time, there was no difference on sperm membrane integrity, kinematics, and the expression of Na/K-ATPase on the sperm surface between HF and LF bulls. Kinematic parameters of LIN and VCL were not influenced by incubation time in samples from HF and LF, respectively. A tendency (P = 0.06) of higher Na/K-ATPase enzymatic activity for sperm of HF bulls compared to LF bulls was observed (0.49 ± 0.07 and 0.32 ± 0.06, respectively). In conclusion, Na/K-ATPase activity and expression in thawed sperm from Angus bulls are not related to the fertility index after fixed-time artificial insemination. However, sperm kinematics related to hyperactivation might indicate higher sperm cryotolerance for HF bulls.


ion channel, spermatozoa, transmembrane protein


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