Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Effect of dosage of orally administered 17α-methyltestosterone on sex reversion of the yellowtail tetra Astyanax lacustris (Lütken, 1875)

Renata da Silva Farias; Karolayne Ribeiro da Silva Oliveira; Marília Espíndola de Souza; Dijaci Araújo Ferreira; Alluanan Adelson do Nascimento Silva; Valdemiro Amaro da Silva Júnior; Rex Dunham; Maria Raquel Moura Coimbra

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The females of yellowtail tetra (Astyanax lacustris), known as the freshwater sardine, are approximately 1.33 times larger than males, and thus, all-female monosex culture would increase production and reduce size variability. The present work aimed to identify the optimal dose of 17α-methyltestosterone (MT) to be used in the masculinization of A. lacustris for indirect sex reversal. Three different concentrations of MT (20, 40, and 60 mg/kg of feed in the diet) were fed to the fry for 30 days. Thirty adult individuals from each treatment, including the control (0 mg MT/kg), were evaluated for gonadal development, morphological and histological sexual identification, zootechnical performance, and the possible genotoxic effect caused by prolonged exposure to MT. MT significantly (P<0.01) affected the differentiation of the gonads, with the presence of possible inhibitory effects in all treatments. Intersex individuals were present in the 20 and 60 mg MT/kg treatments. All treatments were able to masculinize A. lacustris and the treatment with the lowest hormone concentration produced the highest percentage of males 76.7%, while the control had 46.7% males. The presence of erythrocyte nuclear alterations indicated a possible cytotoxic effect of MT in treatments 40 and 60 mg MT/kg, however, the use of the hormone did not affect the growth and the survival of the individuals. Thus, the use of MT is a viable option for obtaining neomales as a first step into the production of all-female progenies.


biotechnology, neomale, phenotypic male, sex reversal


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