Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Oxidative activity of corpus luteum and ovarian parenchyma in Bos taurus indicus heifers

Suellen Miguez González; Marcela Bortoletto Cerezetti; Larissa Zamparone Bergamo; Camila Rodrigues Ferraz; Waldiceu Aparecido Verri Junior; Marcelo Marcondes Seneda

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Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the oxidative stress in ovaries and corpus luteum (CL) of Bos taurus indicus females and the oxidant effect of CL in ovarian tissues in regions near, intermediate, or distant from it. Ovaries (n=12) of Nelore heifers (n=6) were collected from a slaughterhouse and fragmented. Experiment 1, each ovary was obtained from three fragments, resulting in 18 fragments of ovaries with CL (OV+CL) and another 18 fragments of ovaries without CL (OV-CL). Three fragments were generated from CL, totaling 18 CL fragments. In experiment 2, the ovarian fragments were removed from specific regions near, intermediate, or distant from the CL. All the fragments were placed in Eppendorf-type microtubes (1 mL), kept in a thermal container at 4 ºC, and then stored in a -80 ºC freezer for analysis of oxidative stress (TBARS and NBT) and antioxidant potential (FRAP and ABTS). In the antioxidant activity analysis, luteal tissues showed more antioxidant activity than ovarian tissue (FRAP = P < 0.0001; ABTS = P < 0.02). In the oxidative stress analysis, CL had lower levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS; TBARS = P < 0.03; NBT = P < 0.0001) than ovarian tissues. There was no difference in antioxidant activity and oxidative stress between the fragments obtained from different regions (OV+CL versus OV-CL; P > 0.05). The presence of CL in the ovaries of Bos taurus indicus females did not influence the oxidative stress or antioxidant potential of the gonad. Thus, the removal of ovarian fragments with or without the presence of CL indicates that biotechnologies such as in vitro follicle cultivation is possible.


bovine, free radicals, luteal tissue, ovarian tissue, ROS


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