Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)
Thematic Section: 36th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE)

How does reproduction account for dairy farm sustainability?

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Sustainability - the new hype of the 21st century has brought discomfort for the government and society. Sustainable agriculture is essential to face our most concerning challenges: climate change, food security, and the environmental footprint, all of which add to consumers' opinions and choices. Improvements in reproductive indexes can enhance animal production and efficiency, guaranteeing profit and sustainability. Estrus detection, artificial insemination (AI), embryo transfer (ET), estrus synchronization (ES), and multiple ovulations are some strategies used to improve animal reproduction. This review highlights how reproductive strategies and genetic selection can contribute to sustainable ruminant production. Improved reproductive indices can reduce the number of nonproductive cows in the herd, reducing methane emissions and land use for production while preserving natural resources.
fertility, genetic selection, methane emission, methane intensity, milk yield

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