Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Foal sex in Thoroughbred horses: related factors

Jonas Gomes Flores; Verônica La Cruz Bueno; Henrique Boll de Araujo Bastos; Sandra Mara da Encarnação Fiala Rechsteiner

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Reproductive biotechniques in the equine species have advanced in the last decade and horse breeders have started to question the possibilities of interfering in the determination of foal sex. The aim of the present study was to verify whether the variables mares and stallion’s age, side of the ovary containing the preovulatory follicle, preovulatory follicle diameter, time between breeding and ovulation, and ovulation inducing hormones influence the sex of the foal. A total of 259 reproductive cycles of 160 mares and 22 Thoroughbred stallions were used. Statistical analysis was performed using R software, including Pearson's chi-square test and logistic regression. Of the total foals born, 136 were males (52.51%) and 123 were females (47.49%). In mares that ovulated with -24h after ovulation induction, 104 foals (54.74%) were males and 86 (45.26%) were females, while in mares that ovulated with +24h, 32 foals (46.38%) were males and 37 (53.62%) were females. Stallions up to 15 years old had 44.14% (n=49) females and those over 15 years had 49.66% (n=73) females. The simple logistic regression model showed that mares and stallions under 15 years old, mares with ovulation time less than 24 hours and treated with Deslorelin had a higher probability of having male foals, but the Pearson's chi-square test showed that foals gender were not influenced by the variables studied.


concept, equine, influence


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