Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Use of alternative diluent ACP-Lact® and coconut water powder (ACP) in cryopreservation of goat semen and fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) in half-breed goats

Leonardo Alves Rodrigues Cabral; Wallisson Bruno de Morais Pacheco; Suane Silva Alves dos Santos; Adriano da Silva Prado; Luis Alberto Linhares Rufino; Cristiane Clemente de Mello Salgueiro; Ney Rômulo de Oliveira Paula; Assis Rubens Montenegro; José Ferreira Nunes

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Abstract: The aim of the present study was to evaluate semen cryopreservation with ACP-Lact® diluent, which consists of coconut water powder (ACP) added to goat milk powder. After thawing, the samples were evaluated for sperm kinetics, membrane evaluation and in vivo insemination. For cryopreservation, a pool was made with the ejaculate of six goats, diluted in four equal aliquots for the respective treatments: T1 (ACP-Lact®); T2 (ACP-Lact® 50%); T3 (ACP + 2.5% egg yolk) and T4 (Tris + 2.5% egg yolk). After dilution of the treatments, the samples were placed in 0.5 ml straws and chilled at a rate of -1.07°C/min. After reaching 4°C and stabilizing for one hour, the straws were placed in nitrogen vapour at -60°C for 15 minutes and then immersed in liquid nitrogen (-196ºC). The straws were thawed in a 37°C water bath and kinetic assessments were performed immediately using a computerized semen analysis program (CSA), viability (EN), membrane functionality (HOST), mitochondrial activity (DAB) and DNA integrity assessment of spermatozoa. For the in vivo experiment, ten goats were inseminated, divided into two groups of five goats each, G1 inseminated with ACP-Lact® and G2 with ACP, by fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI). Regarding the kinetic parameters, the ACP-Lact® treatment showed higher progressive motility (PM) and sperm velocity than the other treatments (36.77%). In the VSL parameter the ACP-Lact diluent was superior to ACP and Tris. In viability the treatment with ACP-Lact® was superior to the treatment with Tris, 95% and 83% respectively. In FTAI two goats were born out of the 5 goats inseminated with ACP-Lact®. It was concluded that the use of ACP-Lact® for cryopreservation of caprine semen is efficient in maintaining seminal parameters during thawing in vitro and in vivo and proved to be a good alternative extender for the caprine species.


goat, alternative diluent, semen freezing, cryoprotection


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