Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

PLCζ, WBP2NL and TNF-α expression in spermatozoa is associated with stallion fertility and seminal quality?

Verônica La Cruz Bueno; Henrique Boll de Araujo Bastos; Luiz Augusto Centeno; Nélson Alexandre Kretzmann Filho; Rodrigo Costa Mattos; Sandra Fiala Rechsteiner

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This study aims to investigate the gene expression of sperm-borne phospholipase C zeta (PLCζ), WW domain-binding protein 2N-Terminal Like (WBP2NL), and Tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), as a negative control, in spermatozoa and their relationship with fertility and seminal quality in stallions. Ejaculates from 40 Criollo stallions were used, whose fertility was assessed on the basis of their pregnancy rate per cycle in at least two breeding seasons. Pregnancy rates ranged from 20% to 90% and were used to divide the stallions into two groups: High rates (≥ 50%) (n = 25), and Low rates (< 50%) (n = 15). A computer-assisted sperm analysis system - (CASA) analyzed semen after collection. Also were evaluated the physical and functional integrity of the plasmatic membrane and sperm morphology alterations. All stallions expressed PLCζ, WBP2NL, and TNF-α. PLCζ positively correlates with conception rate, total motility (TM), progressive motility (PM), plasmatic membrane functionality, and integrity. A simple linear regression was detected between pregnancy rate and PLCζ expression (P = 0.003), TM (P < 0.001) and PM (P < 0.001). PLCζ gene expression was higher (P = 0,012) in the High rates group than in the Low group. WBP2NL and TNF-α did not correlate with seminal quality and stallion’s fertility. It was concluded that PLCζ gene expression in the spermatozoa might be used as a biomarker of fertility and seminal quality in stallions. Parameters of sperm kinetics also showed, positive correlation between TM, PM and pregnancy rate.


stallions, gene expression, conception rate, seminal quality


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