Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Chilled storage of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) spermatophores for assisted insemination

Francisco Hiago Gadelha Moreira; Larissa Teixeira Nunes; Vanessa Alves Pereira; Renata Vieira do Nascimento; Carminda Sandra Brito Salmito Vanderley

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The cooling of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp spermatophores for assisted insemination can enable the transfer of gametes between reproduction laboratories. This study aimed to assess three extenders for cooling L. vannamei spermatophores for assisted insemination. Spermatophores were chilled at 15 °C for 24 or 48 hours using powdered coconut water ACP® (PCW), mineral oil (MO), and sterilized seawater (SSW) as extenders. All treatments demonstrated consistent responses over time. Apparent viability and morphological integrity percentages remained above 60% and 70%, respectively, across treatments and storage durations. Focusing on diluents, normal cell percentages for MO, SSW, and PCW treatments were 74.9±9.20%, 77.3±9.40%, and 78.1±6.35%, respectively, irrespective of storage time. The highest hatching rate was observed in the SSW treatment (80.67±12.01%), which was significantly superior to the PCW treatment (50.15±20.75%). The hatching rates observed in the MO treatment (71.47±18.83%) did not statistically differ from either PCW or SSW treatments. The cooling protocol successfully preserved the spermatophores' ability to maintain favorable levels of apparent viability, normal morphology, and hatching rates after 48 hours of storage at 15 °C using mineral oil, seawater, or ACP® as extenders. Sterilized seawater emerged as the most efficient diluent, delivering superior hatching rates following artificial insemination.


spermatophore cooling, powdered coconut water, shrimp reproduction, mineral oil


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