Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Swine clones: potential application for animal production and animal models

Thaís Naomi Gonçalves Nesiyama; Juliano Rodrigues Sangalli; Tiago Henrique Camara De Bem; Kaiana Recchia; Simone Maria Massami Kitamura Martins; André Furugen Cesar de Andrade; Juliana Germano Ferst; Gustavo Henrique Doná Rodrigues Almeida; Mariana Groke Marques; Renata Gebara Sampaio Dória; Adriano Bonfim Carregaro; Marcus Antônio Rossi Feliciano; Maria Angélica Miglino; Fabiana Fernandes Bressan; Felipe Perecin; Juliano Coelho da Silveira; Lawrence Charles Smith; Vilceu Bordignon; Flávio Vieira Meirelles

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Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), or cloning, is used to reprogram cells and generate genetically identical embryos and animals. However, the cloning process is inefficient, limiting its application to producing valuable animals. In swine, cloning is mainly utilized to produce genetically modified animals. Indeed, recombinant DNA technologies have evolved considerably in recent years, with homologous recombination and gene editing technologies becoming more efficient and capable of recombining both alleles in a single cell. The selection of appropriate cells and their use as nuclear donors for SCNT is the most common method for generating edited and genetically modified animals for commercial and research purposes. This article reviews current applications of swine cloning and shares our personal experiences with the procedure in this species.


cloning, genetically modified swine, SCNT, oocytes, embryos


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