Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Comparative ovarian morphophysiology of Wistar rats and Zebrafish after exposure to nandrolone decanoate

João Eudes Farias Cavalcante Filho; Solano Dantas Martins; Jonathan Elias Rodrigues Martins; Jéssica Sales Lobato; Yara Silvino Sales; Sara Rany Alexandre Bittencourt; Fernanda Vitória Almeida Magalhães; Ana Ruth Reinaldo Menezes; Maria Alice Felipe Oliveira; Vânia Marilande Ceccatto; Anderson Weiny Barbalho Silva; Carminda Sandra Brito Salmito-Vanderley; Valdevane Rocha Araújo

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This study aimed to compare the effects of nandrolone decanoate on the morphology and physiology of ovarian tissues in two experimental models, Zebrafish and rats, after in vitro cultivation. A total of 136 animals were used (Wistar rats, n=36, and Zebrafish, n=100). In both experiments, the animals were divided into two groups (Control and Deca) and were exposed to nandrolone decanoate for seven weeks. At the end of the administrations, the animals were euthanized, and the tissues were collected for morphological and biochemical analyses. Data were expressed as mean ± SEM. Tukey and Shapiro-Wilk tests were used. ANOVA and chi-square tests were applied for group comparisons. Differences were considered significant when P<0.05. The results showed an increase in body weight in Wistar rats, while Zebrafish body weight was decreased. In both experiments, the number of atretic follicles increased throughout the in vitro culture, from day 0 to day 7, in the Control group (CTRLr and CTRLz), while in the DECA group (DECAr and DECAz), atretic follicles were reduced from D0 to D7. The antioxidant environment, represented by increased the thiol content, which was significantly higher on day zero in CTRLz compared to CTRLr. SOD activity increased in Zebrafish (group DECAz), while CAT activity decreased in both models (group DECAr and DECAz). In conclusion, the study demonstrated similarity in ovarian physiology between the models exposed or not exposed to nandrolone decanoate, suggesting that, when convenient, researchers could consider changing the experimental model.


ovarian follicles, anabolic steroids, cell culture, Danio rerio, Rattus norvegicus


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