Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)
Thematic Section: 40th Annual Meeting of the Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE)

40 ‘wild’ years: the current reality and future potential of assisted reproductive technologies in wildlife species

Gabriela Mastromonaco

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Over the past 40 years, assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) have grown significantly in scale and innovation, from the bovine embryo industry’s shift from in vivo derived to in vitro produced embryos and the development of somatic cell-based approaches for embryo production. Domestic animal models have been instrumental in the development of ARTs for wildlife species in support of the One Plan Approach to species conservation that integrates in situ and ex situ population management strategies. While ARTs are not the sole solution to the biodiversity crisis, they can offer opportunities to maintain, and even improve, the genetic composition of the captive and wild gene pools over time. This review focuses on the application of sperm and embryo technologies (artificial insemination and multiple ovulation/in vitro produced embryo transfer, respectively) in wildlife species, highlighting impactful cases in which significant progress or innovation has transpired. One of the key messages following decades of efforts in this field is the importance of collaboration between researchers and practitioners from zoological, academic, governmental, and private sectors.


assisted reproduction, embryo technologies, biodiversity conservation, wildlife species


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