Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Changes in vaginal gene expression and anogenital distance during gilt reproductive development

Shannon L. Dierking; Jodi M. Morton; Jeffrey A. Clapper; Michael G. Gonda; Juan C. Pinilla; C. L. Levesque

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Early puberty is associated with improved long-term reproductive performance. Predicting who will achieve early puberty is limited to intensive, invasive serial blood collections for measurement of reproductive hormones. The vaginal genome during pubertal development has potential as biomarkers of early estrus in the pre-pubertal period. Pre-pubertal gilts (n =13) were followed from d74 ± 3 of age until first estrus or d214 ± 1 of age. Blood, vaginal epithelia, and anogenital distance were collected at five timepoints during reproductive development (d74, d104, d130, d160 and first estrus or end of trial). Total RNA was isolated from vaginal epithelia and relative gene expression of two toll-like receptors (TLR-4 and TLR-5), tacykinin precursor-3 (TAC-3), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), and estrogen receptor (ERα)-alpha was quantified by real time RT-PCR, relative to expression of RPLP0. Four gilts exhibited estrus early (< d184), 3 were average (d194 to 195), 3 were late (d203 to 213), and 3 were deemed anestrus. Comparison of expression of each gene relative to d70 was performed using the PCR package in RStudio (version 1.2.5025) and Fisher’s exact t-test for TLR-4, TLR-5 and TAC-3, and ANOVA for ER-alpha and IGF-1. Correlation analysis examined the relationship between anogenital distance and age at first estrus. A single blood draw for serum progesterone was obtained 8 days after recorded first estrus or end of trial; the presence of serum progesterone supports the visual identification of standing estrus. Expression of IGF-1 and TAC-3 were up-regulated 9- and 7-fold, respectively at d160 (P < 0.05). Expression of ERα tended to be upregulated 3-fold at d104 (P = 0.08) and expression of TLR-4 and TLR-5 was not detected until first estrus. Anogenital distance was positively correlated to the first estrus. These transcripts associated with reproduction warrant further investigation into use as biomarkers to detect early estrus.


estrus, puberty, reproduction, sow, and swine


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