Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)
Thematic Section: X International Symposium on Animal Biology of Reproduction (ISABR)

Approaches to improve in vitro survival, growth, and maturation of caprine oocytes: main results from LAMOFOPA-Brazil

José Ricardo de Figueiredo; Ana Flávia Bezerra da Silva; Laritza Ferreira de Lima

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This brief review delves into the topic of in vitro follicle culture for in vitro embryo production, with a particular emphasis on goat models. Specifically, we examine the main findings from LAMOFOPA-Brazil over the last 20 years, highlighting the challenges posed by oxidative stress and epigenetic changes. Our focus is on strategies to improve follicular development and oocyte maturation. Furthermore, we underscore the valuable role of the antioxidant anethole in optimizing the efficacy of in vitro follicle culture and improving outcomes in in vitro embryo production.


anethole, oocyte growth, in vitro follicle culture, caprine


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Silva RF, Lima LF, Ferreira ACA, Silva AFB, Alves DR, Alves BG, Oliveira AC, Morais SM, Rodrigues APR, Santos RR, Figueiredo JR. Eugenol improves follicular survival and development during in vitro culture of goat ovarian tissue. Front Vet Sci. 2022;9:822367. PMid:35573397.

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