Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)
Thematic Section: 40th Annual Meeting of the Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE)

40 years of AETE: the contribution of scientists and practitioners to the progress of reproductive biotechnologies in Europe

Cesare Galli; Giovanna Lazzari

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This conference celebrates the 40th anniversary of AETE. Over the past 40 years, AETE has served as a forum for scientists, practitioners, and students working in assisted animal reproduction in livestock species. AETE conferences have reflected developments in the field, from basic to applied science, as well as regulatory changes in assisted animal reproduction practices. Europe has led the way in these developments for many years, progressing from artificial insemination, embryo transfer, and cryopreservation to semen sexing, in vitro production of embryos, cloning by nuclear transfer, genomic selection, and the rescue of highly endangered species. These significant contributions were made possible by the support of funding agencies, both at the national and European levels, promoting cooperation between scientists and practitioners. Assisted reproduction, and animal breeding more generally, face opposition from various groups, including animal rights activists, vegetarians, proponents of organic farming, environmentalists, certain political parties, and increasing regulatory burdens. These challenges seriously affect funding for scientific research, the work of practitioners, and the breeding industry as a whole. It is crucial to invest time and resources in communication to remind the public, politicians, and regulators of the achievements in this field and the contributions made to the food supply chain and the care of the rural and natural environment.


assisted reproduction techniques, biotechnologies, AETE, Europe


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