Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)
Thematic Section: 37th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE)

Oocyte developmental potential and embryo production before puberty in cattle

Joao Henrique Moreira Viana; Bianca Damiani Marques Silva; Rodrigo Martins de Moura; Luiz Fernando Rodrigues Féres; Ricardo Alamino Figueiredo

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With the development of in vitro technologies, embryos can be produced using oocytes retrieved directly from the ovaries, i.e., regardless of ovulation. This has allowed the use of different animal categories as oocyte donors, including prepubertal cattle. The advantages of using this strategy to shorten the generation interval and accelerate genetic gain over time were soon recognized, and the first offspring generated using oocytes collected from calves were born in the early 1990s. Nevertheless, embryo production from calves and prepubertal heifers remains a challenge. The oocytes collected before puberty present low in vitro developmental potential, and the subsequent blastocyst rates are consistently lower than those from pubertal females. The acquisition of developmental competence by the oocytes occurs progressively throughout the prepubertal period, which can be subdivided into an early, intermediate, and late prepubertal (or peripubertal) phases, each characterized by different physiological and endocrine features. Therefore, embryo yield increases with age but will only achieve its maximum after puberty. The most common strategy to improve oocyte developmental potential before puberty is the use of gonadotrophic stimulation prior to oocyte retrieval. The results with superstimulation, however, vary among studies, depending on the source, dose, and length of FSH treatment, as well as the age and breed of the donors. The use of calves and prepubertal heifers as oocyte donors should also consider the possible impacts of the oocyte retrieval technique (LOPU or OPU) and the use of exogenous hormones on their subsequent fertility and productive life.


cattle, in vitro embryo production, sexual maturity


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