Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Combining two injectable progesterone formulas for estrous synchronization in ewes

Milena Luzorio Simões; Felipe Zandonadi Brandão; Juliana Dantas Rodrigues Santos; Pedro Henrique Nicolau Pinto; Ana Paula Pereira Schmidt; Camila Correa Roza Laeber; Nathália Dutra Knust; Mariana Garcia Kako Rodriguez; Danilo Fila; María Isabel Vázquez; Rodolfo Ungerfeld

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The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of combining two injectable progesterone (iP4) formulas for estrous synchronization in ewes and to compare it with traditional intravaginal progesterone devices. Additionally, the study assessed whether the inclusion of GnRH enhances the reproductive outcomes of the iP4 treatment. Two experiments were conducted. In the first experiment, 20 Santa Inês ewes were divided into two groups: one group received intravaginal progesterone devices, and the other received combined long-acting and short-acting iP4. In the second experiment, 30 Corriedale ewes were divided into two groups: one received the combined iP4 with GnRH, and the other without GnRH. Estrous, ovulation, follicular populations, and progesterone concentrations were monitored. The combined iP4 treatment induced an artificial luteal phase and produced reproductive responses similar to those obtained with intravaginal devices. In the first experiment, the iP4 treatment tended to result in more synchronized ovulation compared to the control (P=0.095). In the second experiment, adding GnRH enhanced the quality of the corpus luteum, as indicated by increased diameter and vascularization on Day 23 (P=0.047 and P=0.02, respectively). The combined administration of long-acting and short-acting iP4 effectively synchronized estrous in ewes and showed similar efficacy to traditional intravaginal devices. The inclusion of GnRH improved luteal quality, suggesting potential benefits for reproductive management in ewes. Further studies are needed to evaluate the fertility outcomes of these protocols under field conditions.


follicle dynamics, reproductive seasonality, reproductive efficiency, sheep


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