Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

Sperm vitrification of Prochilodus brevis: influence of diluent, stored volume and supplementation with sulfated polysaccharides of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) skin

Priscila Silva de Almeida-Monteiro; Romulo Roberto Ribeiro Pinheiro; Mayara Setúbal Oliveira-Araújo; Thais Maia Torres; Renata Vieira do Nascimento; Vanessa Alves Pereira; Yasmim Maia Ferreira; Yara Silvino Sales; Jéssica Sales Lobato; Ianna Wivianne Fernandes Araújo; José Ariévilo Gurgel Rodrigues; Assis Rubens Montenegro; Carminda Sandra Brito Salmito-Vanderley

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of diluent, stored volume and the cryodiluent medium supplementation with sulfated polysaccharides (SP) extracted from Nile tilapia skin on P. brevis vitrified sperm. Six pools were diluted in 5% Glucose or Powder Coconut Water (ACP-104), supplemented or not with 0.5 mg/mL of SP, and submitted to vitrification. Subsequently, they were stored in cryotubes in two volumes (60 μL and 420 μL). After 15 days, the samples were devitrified and evaluated for kinetics, membrane integrity and sperm DNA integrity. ACP-104 proved to be the best diluent for P. brevis sperm vitrification. Membrane and DNA integrity rates were higher (P < 0.05) when stored in smaller and larger volume, respectively. Additionally, the best rates (P < 0.05) of these same parameters were obtained with supplemented medium. There was interaction (P < 0.05) between diluent and stored volume, with ACP-104 exceeding 5% Glucose for motility in both volumes, while for average path speed (VAP) and membrane integrity the same happened in the larger volume. 5% Glucose had higher VAP and membrane integrity when stored in smaller volume. There was a triple interaction (P < 0.05) for DNA integrity, and better results were obtained when semen was vitrified in ACP-104 and stored in the larger volume, regardless of supplementation, which influenced only the 5% Glucose medium in the smaller volume. It was concluded that ACP-104, supplemented with SP and stored in larger volume make up the best treatment for P. brevis sperm vitrification.


cryopreservation, fast freezing, sperm conservation, freezing medium, powder coconut water (ACP-104), stored volume, glycosaminoglycans


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