Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)
Original Article

Redox, acid-base and clinical analysis of preterm and term neonatal lambs

Liege Cristina Garcia Silva; Fernanda Machado Regazzi; Cristina Fátima Lúcio; Gisele Almeida Lima Veiga; Daniel Souza Ramos Angrimani; Claudia Barbosa Fernandes; Camila Infantosi Vannucchi

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During pregnancy, fetal lambs are exposed to low oxygen tension. Thus, an effective antioxidant mechanism is partially developed which sensitizes fetus to oxidative stress. Consequently, term and preterm neonates are susceptible to molecular and cellular injury caused by oxygen species (ROS). This study aimed to evaluate the development of antioxidant enzymes and oxidative profile of preterm (135 days of pregnancy) and term (145 days of pregnancy) neonatal lambs, correlating with clinical analysis. Preterm lambs had significantly (P ≤ 0.05) lower score of vitality (4.00 ± 1.10), bradycardia (99 ± 34 bpm) and bradypnea (13 ± 10 mpm). However, both groups were normothermic and euglycemic. Preterm group had low blood pH (7.07 ± 0.10) and both groups had hypercapnia, more severe in preterm group (85.52 ± 18.65 mmHg). In addition, premature newborns had lower pO2 (10.67 ± 5.65 mmHg) and SO2 (6.17 ± 5.85%) values. No significant difference (P ≥ 0.05) on antioxidant enzymes and oxidative stress were verified among experimental groups, although glutathione peroxidase negatively correlated with Apgar score, heart rate, SO2 and pO2. Our data show that preterm neonates are less adapted to the odds of labor and to overcome the immediate changes of extra-uterine life. Furthermore, we verified an influence of glutathione peroxidase in controlling oxidative stress, which highlights mature enzymatic mechanisms of cell redox, even in premature lambs.


glutathione peroxidase, lung, neonate, superoxide dismutase, TBARS


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