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Leporinus elongatus induced spawning using carp pituitary extract or mammalian GnRH analogue combined with dopamine receptor antagonists

Thiago Scremin Boscolo Pereira; Camila Nomura Pereira Boscolo; Renata Guimarães Moreira; Sergio Ricardo Batlouni

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Several studies have been developed to support the replacement of the crude carp pituitary extract (CPE) by synthetic products for induced reproduction of South American rheophilic species. However, results have been quite heterogeneous and there is no consensus or a routine use of synthetic products in these species. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the ovulatory process in L. elongatus using different protocols of hormonal induction. Thus, fifteen wild mature females maintained at the Experimental Fish Station, Salto Grande, SP, Brazil were submitted to three different hormonal treatments: CPE (fractioned dose: 0.5 and 5.0 mg kg-1); mGnRHa (single dose: 3.5 µg kg-1) and mGnRHa (single dose: 5.0 µg kg-1). The spawning rate and absolute fecundity were similar among the treatments, but fertility rates were higher for CPE treatment (23.60 ± 9.40) then for mGnRHa treatments (close to or zero zero). Although females ovulated in all treatments, none of them provided viable embryos, showing hatching rates close to zero or zero. Both mGnRHa treatments were more potent for inducing the ovulatory process then CPE treatment, which was evidenced by the fact that the formers showed higher volume density of postovulatory follicles (POF). Accordingly, E2 and 17α-OHP plasma levels were higher for the mGnRHa treated females compared to the CPE one at the time of ovulation. In this study we confirmed previous scientific evidence that, regardless of whether promoting ovulation, the use of conventional CPE and GnRH doses are not appropriate for some South American migratory species, due to the non-attainment of viable embryos. Moreover, we have brought new information about the relationship between reproductive performance and gonadal steroids concentrations using different hormonal therapies, contributing to understand the reasons for Leporinus elongatus embryo loss in induced spawning.


final maturation, gonadal steroids, hormonal treatment, ovulation, spawning performance


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