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Animal Reproduction (AR)

Contributions of RNA-seq to improve in vitro embryo production (IVP)

Priscila Di Paula Bessa Santana, Artur Luis da Costa da Silva, Rommel Thiago Jucá Ramos, Arnaldo Algaranhar Gonçalves, Nathalia Nogueira da Costa, Priscilla do Carmo Azevedo Ramos, Thiago Velasco Guimarães Silva, Marcela da Silva Cordeiro, Simone do Socorro Damasceno Santos, Otávio Mitio Ohashi, Moysés dos Santos Miranda

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In Vitro Embryo Production (IVP) is widely used to improve the reproductive efficiency of livestock animals, however increasing the embryo development rates and pregnancy outcomes is still a challenge for some species. Thus, the lack of biological knowledge hinders developing specie-specific IVP protocols. Therefore, the contributions of RNA-seq to generate relevant biological knowledge and improve the efficiency of IVP in livestock animals are reviewed herein.


biomarker genes, in vitro embryo production, livestock animals, RNA-seq.


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