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Animal Reproduction (AR)
Conference Paper

The local regulation of folliculogenesis by members of the transforming growth factor superfamily and its relevance for advanced breeding programmes

Jennifer L. Juengel, Peter R. Smith, Laurel D. Quirke, Michelle C. French, Sara J. Edwards

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Regulation of the growth and maturation of the ovarian follicle is critical for normal reproductive function. Alterations in this growth can lead to pathological conditions, such as cystic follicles, reduced oocyte quality, or an abnormal endocrine environment leading to poor fertility. Alterations in follicular growth also influence the number of follicles ovulating and thus can change litter size. Both endocrine factors, such as follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, as well as local factors, are known to regulate follicular growth and development. This review will focus on the role of local factors in regulation of ovarian follicular growth in ruminants, with a focus on members of the transforming growth factor superfamily. The potential role of these factors in regulating proliferation, apoptosis, steroidogenesis and responsiveness to gonadotrophins will be considered.


granulosa cells, oocyte, theca cells.


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