Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)
Conference Paper

Intensified use of TAI and sexed semen on commercial farms

Márcio de Oliveira Marques, Fábio Morotti, Elis Lorenzetti, Camila Bizarro-Silva, Marcelo Marcondes Seneda

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The livestock sector has achieved many technological advances, which have resulted in continued improvements in animal production systems and in the reproductive efficiency of herds. The associated use of reproductive biotechnology and genetic improvements combined with adequate sanitary and nutritional management are essential conditions for sustainable intensified animal production and financial autonomy within farms. Timed artificial insemination (TAI) represents one of the strategies with the greatest impact of expansion in providing genetic improvements and increased reproductive efficiency at a decreased cost. Despite the high proportion of cows receiving TAI, this market still exhibits considerable potential for expansion. After a TAI procedure, approximately 40 to 60% of females become pregnant. This result can vary depending on such factors as the hormonal protocol employed, female category, body condition score, ovarian status, farm management and aspects related to bulls and semen. The fertility and genetic quality of the bull plays an important role in the herd because a single bull can influence the entire production system. Another important strategy is the use of sex-sorted semen associated with TAI, primarily when associated with management practices to improve the pregnancy rate. This paper presents a review of the intensification of TAI, supplying practical information regarding the implementation of TAI commercial programs.


bull, conception rate, sex-sorted, pregnancy, timed artificial insemination.


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