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Potential application of aminiotic stem cells in veterinary medicine

Carlos Eduardo Ambrósio, Jéssica Rodrigues Orlandin, Vanessa Cristina Oliveira, Lina Castelo Branco Motta, Priscilla Avelino Ferreira Pinto, Vitória Mattos Pereira, Letícia Ribeiro Padoveze, Rafael Garcia Karam, Alessandra de Oliveira Pinheiro

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In regenerative medicine stem cell biology has become one of the most interesting and more often studied subject. The amniotic membrane is the innermost layer of the fetal membranes and is considered a potential tool to treat many pathologies. It is used because it can be collected from discarded fetal material and is a rich source of stem cells with high proliferation and plasticity ratio capable of proliferating and differentiate in vitro. We propose to elucidate the characteristics and potencial clinical application of cells derived of amniotic membrane in veterinary medicine.


amniotic membrane, stem cells, therapy.


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