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Original Article

Effect of metronidazole on placental and fetal development in albino rats

Welma Emídio da Silva; Ismaela Maria Ferreira de Melo; Yuri Mateus Lima de Albuquerque; Aline Ferreira da Silva Mariano; Valéria Wanderley-Teixeira; Álvaro Aguiar Coelho Teixeira

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Abstract: Metronidazole is an antiprotozoal and antibacterial used in gynecology and obstetrics for the treatment of parasitic infections. However, despite having clinical use for more than three decades, questions about the safety of its use during pregnancy is not well understood. Thus, the present study evaluated the effect of metronidazole on placental and fetal development in pregnant rats. Metronidazole was orally administered by gavage at a dosage of 130 mg/kg for 7 and 14 days. Morphological analysis, morphometry and immunohistochemistry were performed at the implantation sites and placentas with 14 days of development. The results showed that in the treated group there was a significant reduction in the number of implantation sites, total placental disc area and constituent elements of the labyrinth and spongiotrophoblast layers. Histochemical analysis revealed no significant changes in the content of collagen, elastic and reticular fibers. The TUNEL test showed apoptotic activity in the implantation sites and placentas with 14 days of development independent of the treatment. There was no evidence of malformation in the neonates. However, there was a significant reduction in the number and weight of neonates in the group treated with metronidazole when compared to the control group. Thus, it is concluded that the administration of 130 mg/kg of metronidazole during pregnancy in rats, in addition to interfering with the number of implanted embryos, promotes changes in placental structure and interferes with fetal development. This suggests that this drug should be used with caution during pregnancy.


metronidazole, pregnancy, placental development, reproduction


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