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Subclinical endometritis and postpartum ovarian resumption in respect to TNF-α, IL-8 and CRP in Egyptian buffaloes

Doaa H. Elsayed; Fakhri E. El-Azzazi; Yasmina K. Mahmoud; Sherif M. Dessouki; Eman A. Ahmed

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Abstract: The study was carried out to find the relation between subclinical endometritis (SCE) and postpartum (pp.) ovarian resumption as well as to evaluate serum and endometrial TNF-α, IL-8 and serum CRP in buffaloes with and without SCE. Thirty-nine pluriparous buffaloes at the 3rd (W3), 5th (W5) and 7th (W7) week pp. were involved in this experiment. The parity of the buffaloes ranged from 4 to 8 with an average 5.8±0.2. Subclinical endometritis was diagnosed by the percentage of polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) in uterine cytology obtained from endometrial cytobrush at W5 and W7. The cut-off point of PMNs% in buffaloes for SCE was ≥ 6% at W5 or ≥ 4% at W7. According to PMNs%, buffaloes were divided into SCE group (n=27) and non-SCE group (n=12). Ovarian cyclicity was monitored by rectal palpation, ultrasonography and progesterone assay at W3, W5 and W7. Serum and endometrial TNF-α, IL-8 and serum CRP were estimated at W5 and W7. Buffaloes with SCE (55.6%) showed delayed ovarian activity as compared to non-SCE (16.7%) animals (P=0.036). Significant increase in serum cytokines and CRP levels were detected at W5 (P ˂0.05) and W7 (P <0.01) in SCE buffaloes as compared to non-SCE. Endometrial levels of cytokines were significantly (P ˂0.05) elevated in SCE buffaloes. Serum and endometrial cytokines showed significant positive correlation. Furthermore, levels of TNF-α, IL-8 and CRP exhibited significant positive correlation with PMNs%. In conclusion, SCE delayed postpartum ovarian cyclicity in buffaloes. Moreover, TNF-α, IL-8 and CRP assessments could be efficient tools in prediction of SCE in buffaloes.


buffaloes, CRP, cytokines, ovarian cyclicity, subclinical endometritis


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