Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)
Short Communication

Reproductive performance of sows inseminated with semen doses stored for up to seven days in long-term extender in a field condition

Matheus Schardong Lucca; Rafael da Rosa Ulguim; Fernando Pandolfo Bortolozzo; Ivo Wentz; Janaina Colecha Rocha; Mayara Corrêa Dias de Souza; Roberto Vasconcelos Escobar; Kérlin Calderam; Pedro Ivo de Quadros Filho; Raquel Ausejo Marcos

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Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the reproductive performance of sows inseminated with semen doses preserved at 15-18 °C for up to seven days in long-term extender (Duragen®). Parity one (PO1) to PO7 sows were randomly assigned to the following groups: AI1-3 (n=190), insemination with semen doses stored between one and three days; and AI5-7 (n=124), insemination with semen doses stored between five and seven days. Sows were submitted to estrus detection twice a day. Post-cervical insemination according to weaning-to-estrus interval was performed. The farrowing rate (FR) did not differ between the groups (AI1-3=83.2%; AI5-7=82.2%; p>0.05) nor did the total number of piglets born (TPB; AI1-3=14.2±0.3; AI5-7=14.5±0.3; p>0.05). Considering the semen dose most likely responsible for fertilization according to its storage time (1, 2-3, 5, and 6-7 days), the FR (72.7%, 87.8%, 85.7%, and 79%, respectively) and TPB (14.4, 14.0, 14.9, and 13.5, respectively) were similar among the groups (p>0.05). In conclusion, the use of semen doses extended with long-term extender stored for up to seven days did not impair the reproductive performance of sows. Therefore, it’s using could optimize production efficiency and logistics of semen dose deliveries to sow farms.


artificial insemination, boar stud, storage time


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