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Animal Reproduction (AR)
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Influences of different space allowance on reproductive performances in buffalo

Angela Salzano, Maria Stefania Spagnuolo, Pietro Lombardi, Domenico Vecchio, Antonio Limone, Sergio Bolletti Censi, Anna Balestrieri, Alessandra Pelagalli, Gianluca Neglia

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of two different conditions of space allowance on reproductive performance and oxidative parameters, biochemical and hormonal profiles in buffalo. The trial was carried out on one hundred pluriparous buffaloes divided into two different groups. Buffaloes in group HDG (high density group - n = 50) were maintained in open yards that allowed 10 m2 /head while those in group LDG (low density group - n = 50) were maintained in 22 m2 /head. After 60 days, 45 buffaloes in each group underwent synchronization of ovulation by Ovsynch and were artificially inseminated to assess the reproductive efficiency. On the day of AI blood samples were collected to evaluate oxidative stress, hormonal and metabolic profile. Furthermore, on the same day, blood, saliva and hair samples were collected to assess cortisol levels. Simultaneously, five buffaloes/group, were synchronized but not inseminated and on the day of the hypothetical timed artificial insemination (TAI), follicular fluid was recovered by OPU and blood samples were collected from each animal to evaluate the redox status on both plasma and follicular fluid. Conception rate on day 70 post-AI was similar between the two groups (57.5 vs. 62.5%, in LDG and HDG, respectively). No significant differences were found on redox status, metabolic and hormonal profile and cortisol levels between the groups. In conclusion, on the conditions of this experiment it was observed that the space allowance of 10 m2 /head did not affect reproductive efficiency in buffalo cows.


buffalo, oxidative stress, reproductive performances, space allowance.


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