Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)
Original Article

Validation of the CellRox Deep Red® fluorescent probe to oxidative stress assessment in equine spermatozoa

Renata Lançoni, Rubens Paes de Arruda, Maíra Bianchi Rodrigues Alves, Letícia Zoccolaro Oliveira, Gabriel De Carli dos Santos, Kleber Menegon Lemes, Shirley Andréa Florez-Rodriguez, Eneiva CarlaCarvalho Celeghini

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Considering the importance of ROS influence on sperm functionality and some limitations in sperm oxidative stress assessment methods, a field to studies of new techniques are still open. In this sense, the aim of this study is to validate the ROS detection technique through the CellRox Deep Red Reagent® probe in stallion sperm. Four stallions were used and the analyses were conducted on four replicates of semen samples from each of stallion (n = 16). The results of the polynomial regression presented a quadratic effect, high determination coefficient value (R2 = 0.88) and high significant P value (P < 0.0001). The CellRox Deep Red® fluorescent probe is able to detect reactive oxygen species in equine sperm, indicating accurately the occurrence of oxidative stress in stallion semen.


Cellrox, fluorescente probes, oxidative stress, peroxidative damage, stallion.


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