Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)
Conference Paper

Impact of using artificial insemination on the multiplication of high genetic merit beef cattle in Brazil

J.B.S. Ferraz, J.P. Eler, F.M. Rezende

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Information about the Brazilian beef cattle industry is provided and the effects of massive use of genetically superior bulls, semen and embryos is simulated to show their important contribution to that industry, as a way to improve the low productivity levels observed in Brazil, one of the leaders in beef exports in the world. Any increase on the use of better genetics will cause a very significant economic impact in the Brazilian beef industry. Amounts as high as US$ 342 million/yr may be reached in the near future with the growing utilization of fixed time artificial insemination (FTAI), considering only the direct effects of weaning and yearling weights. These values will be even higher if reproductive traits are considered as selection criteria. The indirect effects, which are clearly underestimated in this simulation study, are much more important than the direct ones. The increase on the income of the industry could reach significant amounts, without the need of opening new areas for cattle grazing or destroying forests and devastating the environment


beef industry, cattle, environment, FTAI reproduction.
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