Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)


Volume 9, Issue 1, 2012 January/March

9(1), 2012 January/March


Relaxin in the male reproductive system A.R. Nascimento, M.T. Pimenta, T.F.G. Lucas, C.S. Porto, M.F.M. Lazari
Features and perspectives of the Brazilian in vitro embryo industry J.H.M. Viana, L.G.B. Siqueira, M.P. Palhao, L.S.A. Camargo

Original Article

Sperm cryopreservation of freshwater fish bocachico (Prochilodus magdalenae) in DMSO and glucose and its effects on fertilization and hatching efficiency J.G. Martínez, A.M. Tarazona-Morales, S.C. Pardo-Carrasco
Oocyte production and in vitro maturation in Canindé goats following hormonal ovarian stimulation S.R.G. Avelar, R.R. Moura, F.C. Sousa, A.F. Pereira, K.C. Almeida, C.H.S. Melo, A.C.A. Teles-Filho, G. Baril, L.M. Melo, D.I.A. Teixeira, V.J.F. Freitas
Viability and fertility of stallion semen frozen with ethylene glycol and acetamide as a cryogenic agent P.P.N. Snoeck, A.C.P. Cottorello, M. Henry
Effects of adult onset mild calorie restriction on weight of reproductive organs, plasma parameters and gene expression in male mice J.S. Rocha, M.S. Bonkowski, M.M. Masternak, L.R. França, A. Bartke
The effect of parity on the efficacy of an ovulation synchronization (Ovsynch) protocol in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) R. Derar, H.A. Hussein, S. Fahmy, T.M. El-Sherry, G. Megahed
Energy-restricted diet during lactation programs ovarian growth factor and gonadotropin receptor expression in rats R.V. Ferreira, F.M. Gombar, F.J. Sampaio, C.F. Ramos


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