Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)
Conference Paper

Historical context of cattle embryo transfer technique in Brazil

C.F.M. Rodrigues

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This review presents the historical context of cattle embryo transfer (ET) technique in Brazil which led to a great progress on reproductive biotechnologies turning this country into a worldwide leader on production of bovine embryos. Commercial ET in Brazil began in 1978 with the work of two pioneers, Dr. Jorge Nicolau and Walter Becker. In the 1980s the ET technique became widespread being often used by many practitioners. However, the high variation between results indicated the need of interaction with more experienced technicians from abroad and with Brazilian researchers. Originally, there were regulatory restrictions on trade of hormones for superovulation, as well as low treatment response. In 1986, the first Brazilian Embryo Transfer Society (SBTE) meeting, held in Jaboticabal-SP, encouraged the search for better results. The goal of this meeting was to join distinguished researchers in the upcoming area of reproductive biotechnology with veterinary practitioners. This exchange was a success, leading to an outstanding utilization of reproductive biotechnologies by the Brazilian technicians. As a result, Brazil turned into a reference country in this technology. In 1985, the first Brazilian calf derived from frozen embryo was born in Sertãozinho, SP. This was followed by an improvement on embryo holding, freezing/thawing protocols. There are challenges, but it is irrefutable that we have refined the technology of embryo manipulation and genetic improvement. Those achievements are due mainly to the closer relationship between the academy, through its researchers, and the veterinary practitioners. Working together is the most efficient way to provide an outstanding environment for reproductive biotechnology innovation in Brazil.


development, embryo transfer, techniques
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