Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)


Volume 11, Issue 3, 2014 July/September

11(3), 2014 July/September


From de SBTE President Margot Alves Nunes Dode
From the Scientific Committee Chair Roberto Sartori

Conference Paper

Historical context of cattle embryo transfer technique in Brazil C.F.M. Rodrigues
Large-scale chromatin structure and function changes during oogenesis: the interplay between oocyte and companion cumulus cells A.M. Luciano, F. Franciosi, C. Dieci, I. Tessaro, L. Terzaghi, S.C. Modina, V. Lodde
Control of oocyte maturation F.C. Landim-Alvarenga, R.R.D. Maziero
Effect of uterine environment on embryo production and fertility in cows A.H. Souza, C.D. Narciso, E.O.S. Batista, P.D. Carvalho, M.C. Wiltbank
Effects of energy and protein nutrition in the dam on embryonic development M.C. Wiltbank, A. Garcia-Guerra, P.D. Carvalho, K.S. Hackbart, R.W. Bender, A.H. Souza, M.Z. Toledo, G.M. Baez, R.S. Surjus, R. Sartori
Molecular markers of fertility in cattle oocytes and embryos: progress and challenges E. Orozco-Lucero, M-A. Sirard
Nutritional status of donor cows: insulin related strategies to enhance embryo development C. Ponsart, G. Gamarra, S. Lacaze, A.A. Ponter
Different ways to evaluate bovine sexed sperm in vitro J.O. Carvalho, R. Sartori, M.A.N. Dode
Advances in reproductive management: pregnancy diagnosis in ruminants T.L. Ott, C. Dechow, M.L. O’Connor
Sex-sorted sperm for artificial insemination and embryo transfer programs in cattle M.F. Sá Filho, M. Nichi, J.G. Soares, L.M. Vieira, L.F Melo, A. Ojeda, E.P. Campos Filho, A.H. Gameiro, R. Sartori, P.S. Baruselli
The physiology and impact on fertility of the period of proestrus in lactating dairy cows M.C. Wiltbank, G.M. Baez, J.L.M. Vasconcelos, M. Pereira, A.H. Souza, R. Sartori, J.R. Pursley
Maternal immune responses to conceptus signals during early pregnancy in ruminants T.L Ott, M.M. Kamat, S. Vasudevan, D.H. Townson, J.L. Pate
The role of proestrus on fertility and postovulatory uterine function in the cow M. Binelli, G. Pugliesi, V.V. Hoeck, M. Sponchiado, R.S. Ramos, M.L. Oliveira, M.R. França, F.L. D’Alexandri, F.S. Mesquita, C.M.B. Membrive
Impact of animal health on reproduction of dairy cows J.E.P. Santos, E.S. Ribeiro
Health and safety of IVF embryos: challenges for the international ET industry P. Blondin
Potential practical implications of nanotechnology in animal reproductive biotechnologies L.P. Silva

Conference Abstract

Male Reproductive Physiology and Semen Technology (Abstracts A001 to A029)
FTAI, FTET and AI (Abstracts A052 to A120)
OPU-IVP and ET (Abstracts A121 to A166)


Folliculogenesis, Oogenesis and Superovulation (Abstracts A030 to A051)
Embriology, Biology of Development and Physiology of Reproduction (Abstracts A167 to A193)
Cloning, Transgenesis and Stem Cells (Abstracts A194 to A201) 474


Author index
Editorial Board and Journal Information

Anim Reprod

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