Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)

From the SBTE President

Marcelo Marcondes Seneda

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Dear colleagues,

I am really happy to welcome all of you to the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE-2019), at the Transamerica Resort, Comandatuba Island, – Bahia, Brazil. It is also a pleasure to present the meeting proceedings, considering that this is our fifth joint publication with the Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE). I am strongly optimistic about this ongoing partnership and we are grateful to AETE for their efforts in contributing to the pronounced quality of these proceedings.

My kind acknowledgments to the Scientific Committee: Vilceu Bordignon, Luiz Pfeifer and Bernardo Gasperin, who organized a wonderful program with an outstanding team of speakers, enabling the discussion of top issues regarding embryo production and fertility. I would also like to thank our speakers and our workshop coordinators, for their kindness in sharing their time and knowledge, thus greatly contributing to the remarkable quality of the meeting.

We also greatly thank our sponsors: CNPq, CAPES and partner companies, particularly the partner companies of the SBTE condominium, for their great contribution in making this meeting possible.

Thank you all SBTE members, for supporting our society in so many ways through the decades.

Finally, my highest sincere and special thanks to all SBTE directors, whose nice job has made this meeting possible.

Best regards,

Marcelo Marcondes Seneda
SBTE President (2018-2019)

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